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Our Story

Hola Familia. 

Welcome to my little slice of cycling heaven.

My name is James but my friends call me "The Mex", feel free to use either.

I have been riding for 3 years and have enjoyed most of it. It's never fun riding into a headwind tand hen riding into the same headwind on the way back.

Some of the highlights are

- Riding every day for 8 months from Mascot to North sydney then 6 months riding from Mascot to Riverwood.

- Riding my first 100km around Centennial Park. I had a manic attack at the 85km mark. Not sure why.

- Riding from Sydney to Wollongong with no support. I had 35kg of spare parts in a bag. Lol. 

- Riding one section of the Le Tape with no real training on a mountain bike. It literally almost killed me but I did it.

- Being in a commercial for Rest Super annuation. I got to ride my bike all day. Be filmed and get paid.

My journey started when I was fed up with the cost and inconvenience of the bigger bicycle stores around me. I bought my first "proper" bicycle from the largest bike chain store in Australia. After going back a few times with mechanical issues I started to get frustrated. It always came back with a new issue. Spending at least $50 per visit for what were essentially tweaks as opposed to repairs. Let's not even mention the wait time.

I thought I've got a mechanical mind, surely youtube can teach me. It certainly did.

Why a Bodega?

They are traditionally a small family run businesses.Set up in the front room of a house. I just used my balcony instead.

We have since moved on from the balcony in  mascot to a house which has more space.

While I lack a retail space. I provide a truly bespoke experience.I understand we all have different bikes which in turn have different needs and require certain attentions.

I spent 15 years in the corporate world where i worked as a Quality Assurance and Trainer. I've taken what I've learnt and applied it to myself and my business.

I believe riding provides an escape and a sense of freedom which is hard to match. I work hard to make sure all my customers can return to that feeling as quickly and hassle free as possible.


Meet the Team

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